M I D D L E – E A S T’ S N O.1 M E D I C A L E Q U I P M E N T C O M P A N Y
Greetings from Spectronix Medical Trading, a leading provider of high-quality medical products and technologies in Dubai!
Since its establishment in 2005, Spectronix Medical Trading has focused on providing comprehensive solutions that meet our client needs in the form of state–of–the–art medical equipment and technologies in a cost-effective manner. We are committed to ensuring the availability of the best healthcare services in UAE by providing the necessary medical devices and instruments, pharmaceutical formulations as well as the relevant training and education to our clients in the sector.
We are a team of professionals working towards making the best quality medical equipment within the reach of healthcare workers across Dubai and UAE. Our team consists of qualified engineers and MBA professionals along with several affiliated doctors, who have played a significant role in introducing new technologies in the region and turning them into successful brands. It is with the dedication and hard work of our entire team that we have today become one of the leading and most trusted suppliers of a wide range of medical equipment in the healthcare sector in Dubai.